Want your story to be featured? Sure thing! We'll advertise it here for a month. :) It's simple. Just have to know a few rules... well, not really rules but... aish, whatever. Just read it. :D
1. Fill up everything that's required.
2. If you have a poster, please do provide the link on the "Anything else?" section. You could also put there any of your concerns.
3. Put ilovecookies on the "Other" section.
--Request: One-shot
Want an awesome one-shot? Do request from us and we'll provide you a very good story. Read the rules first though.
1. Do not claim the work as yours. CREDIT is a must.
2. Do not bash us if you didn't like the result. Remember, we only write the story based on the description you gave us. You could always request for a re-do.
(*Note: Re-do can only be done once.)
3. Please note that some writers don't write smut/yaoi/yuri fics. Check it out.
4. If you are cancelling your request, e-mail us. But you can't cancel it anymore after three (3) days.
5. Do not rush us. We have our own busy lives too. Wait a maximum of three (3) weeks for your request to be finished.
6. Tag us when you've requested.
7. One request at a time.
8. Put ilovecookies on the password box.
--Request: Muse
Experiencing a writer's block? Let us help you. Come, request a muse.
1. Do not bash your muse.
2. Respect them and their ideas. Remember, we're trying to help you out.
3. You may either choose:
a. long term
-2 to 3 months
b. short term
-1 month
c. very short term
-1 to 2 weeks
4. Do not ignore their e-mails to you.